homemaker, natural-living, working-mama
Join Our Journey
In June we bought our first house and started renovating it. We're still in the process of everything so the "after" pictures are not the final reveal - those are to come! But join us on our journey as we work to renovate our house into our dream home. It's not perfect, but we look forward to every next step!

The Living Room
When we bought our house, part of the deal was the previous owners could take everything they wanted and we would deal with everything else. This allowed us to get a cut on the price of the house since there was junk and trash everywhere, but it also added an additional step to the whole renovation process, as you can imagine.
The modifications we did to the living room include:
- refinishing the hardwood floors
- Replastering the walls with wall texture
- priming & painting walls, ceiling, and trim
- Adding waynesboro paneling
- Refininshing the bookshelf
- Adding chair railing

The Office
The house we bought had this narrow side room extension that was absolutedly horrible. My hubsand and I went back and forth a great deal about what to do with the space, but we ended up dividing the room and making one part an office and the other part a downstairs bathroom.
The modifications we did to the living room include:
- Divided the Room with a Wall
- Priming and Paining Paneling
- Recplacing Ceiling with Paneling
- Added Crown Molding
- Replaced Trim Around the Window
- Added Wood Flooring

Master Bedroom
When we bought our house, part of the deal was the previous owners could take everything they wanted and we would deal with everything else. This allowed us to get a cut on the price of the house since there was junk and trash everywhere, but it also added an additional step to the whole renovation process, as you can imagine.
The modifications we did to the living room include:
- Refinishing the Hardwood Floors
- Replasted Walls
- Added Paneling & Chair Molding
- Priming and Painting

Upstairs Bedrooms
When we bought our house, part of the deal was the previous owners could take everything they wanted and we would deal with everything else. This allowed us to get a cut on the price of the house since there was junk and trash everywhere, but it also added an additional step to the whole renovation process, as you can imagine.
The modifications we did to the living room include:
- Refinishing the Hardwood Floors
- Replasted Walls
- Added Paneling & Chair Molding
- Priming and Painting



We Are Still in the Process

Our Other Projects
When we bought our house, part of the deal was the previous owners could take everything they wanted and we would deal with everything else. This allowed us to get a cut on the price of the house since there was junk and trash everywhere, but it also added an additional step to the whole renovation process, as you can imagine.
The modifications we did to the living room include:
- refinishing the hardwood floors
- Replastering the walls with wall texture
- priming & painting walls, ceiling, and trim
- Adding waynesboro paneling
- Refininshing the bookshelf
- Adding chair railing